Eastern Panhandle Conservation District, Morgan County, WV
October 1, 2020
Greenway Engineering, Inc. (Greenway), along with Secatello Contracting and Allstar Ecology, recently completed this major stream bank restoration project on Sleepy Creek in Morgan County, West Virginia. Completion of the Sleepy Creek Stream Restoration Project occurred mid-July 2020, through the collaborative effort between the Sleepy Creek Watershed Association (SCWA), the Eastern Panhandle Conservation District (EPCD), the WV Department of Environmental Protection, the Chesapeake Bay Program, and multiple other government agencies.
The Project has restored approximately 600 linear feet of stream bank undergoing severe erosion and tree loss. As a result of this erosion, an estimated 163 tons of sediment and associated nutrients were entering Sleepy Creek and the Chesapeake Bay each year. Restoration included the installation of approximately 400 feet of stone revetment and soil lifts to protect the streambank, along with four in-stream j-hook structures. As a result of this restoration, aquatic habitats, riparian habitats, and water quality is improved, not only in Sleepy Creek but also in the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.
Greenway provided civil engineering, professional surveying, and construction oversight and administration throughout the Project. Being a part of this great collaboration on such an exciting and beneficial community project is meaningful to the Greenway Team.

Project Contact
Ms. Kristen Bisom
Eastern Panhandle Conservation District
T: 681.247.3011