Warren County has a very unique soil composition and geology in that it lies in both the Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces. The Valley and Ridge is in the western and central parts of the County where soils are derived from sandstones, limestones, and shales. However, the Blue Ridge province, which is the mountainous area in the eastern part of the County, contains soils derived from granite and greenstone. Due to the unique geology, soil evaluation results, especially for drainfields, can vary significantly throughout the County depending on the location of the property.
For these reasons, it is important to consider the geology of each individual parcel of land when performing soil tests, or deciding upon which areas are best for future development. In addition to Soil Evaluations, our professional staff will be able to offer advice in troubleshooting problems, recommendations for repairs, and assist with the required Alternative Onsite Sewage System (AOSS) annual inspection.